About the Artist

Chy is known as an interdisciplinary illustrator and designer. This is partly because of the many different medias that they like to apply to their practice as a creative individual. It is also due to the way they play with the content of their work as well.

Chy (pronounced like “shy”) was born in Hamilton Ohio and has lived in Ohio their whole life. They currently reside in Maineville Ohio. They have always wanted to be an artist from an early age and has been working on developing their skills for years. They attended high school at Lakota West and excelled in the arts classes there. They went on to go to college at the Art Academy of Cincinnati in 2016 and graduated in May 2020.

Their art practice has evolved to combine all the skills that they’ve learned into many different talents and ways of developing work, like painting, printmaking, digital work, and comic book writing. They are also a skilled designer and works with logo design, document design and working with brands to help make their messages show through.

Events and Projects

2022 Founders Day at Rookwood Pottery 

2022 Vendor at Zinecinnati At The Clifton Cultural Arts Center

2022 “Where Things Stand” At The Art Academy of Cincinnati

2020: Senior Winter Expo with Art Academy of Cincinnati At The Carnegie

2019: Vendor at the Cincy Punx Art Show at the Art Academy of Cincinnati

2019: Blink Parade with Art Academy of Cincinnati

2019: Vendor at Anime Ohio at the Sharonville Convention Center

2019: Vendor at the 150 year Block Party with the Art Academy of Cincinnati

2019: Participated in a Poster Competition for Powerhouse Factories

2019: Created a Flag Design For the Art Academy of Cincinnati’s Block Party

2019: Collaborated on a Card Deck Design for The Art Academy of Cincinnati’s 150th anniversary

2018: Participant in the May the Fourth Art Show with Brewhouse Cincinnati

2018: Participant in the Summerfair Poster Competition

2018: Man-Beast Show with the Know Theatre

2017: Neil Gaiman “Neverwhere” show with the Know Theatre

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